Five Things You Know If You’re A Christmas Grinch!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – or is it?

Not for some people. For a certain few, the festive is something to be endured rather than enjoyed!

If you’re a Christmas Grinch, you’ll find yourself agreeing with a lot of these points…

1. You hate Christmas music

White Christmas, Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree, Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland – once you’ve heard them once, you don’t want to hear them anymore.

How anyone can listen to them on repeat all year round is beyond you.

And don’t even start with Mariah’s ‘Iiiii, don’t want a lot for Christmas…’ TURN IT OFF!

2. You refuse to put your decorations up before the 8th of December

If you had your way, you’d put a poinsettia on the mantlepiece and that’d be it. Still, if you have to comply with your partner/kids/dog’s wishes, you’ll do it – but not a day before the 8th of December.

Three weeks is MORE than enough time to have a giant tree in your living room, thank you very much.

And you’ve been known to take alternative driving routes to avoid houses with excessive outside lighting.

3. You get all your Christmas shopping done in one day

Christmas Eve. Two Hours. Bish, bash, bosh. And it’s mostly vouchers.

4. You’re the first person to offer to work on Christmas Day

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Your Grinch-like tendencies means that you’re more than happy to skip the present-opening, mass-going, glass-clinking, chocolate-eating activities associated with the big day.

And your colleagues love you for it!

5. You don’t believe in getting dressed up for Christmas Dinner

Why would you bother getting dressed up for dinner when you’re just going to spend the rest of the day flaked out on the couch trying to digest it?

Nope, if you have to sit with a large group of people and eat turkey, stuffing and brussel sprouts with a smile on your face, you need to be comfortable. Stretchy pants all the way. Even better if you can stay in your PJs!

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