As in, it could be. In the jar. That you make. With fake snow.
Ok, I’m sorry that was mean.
Let’s start again. Would you like to make your very snow globe? Well, once again we have you sorted.
There are many different ways to make these but here is a general idea of what you will need:
- A clean jar with a lid
- Photograph(s/)/ A prop
- Coloured paper
- Spray/Craft paint
- Glitter
- Glue
- White cotton wool OR fake snow (you can get this in Arnotts and gadget shops)
- Any additional embellishments you might want to add
Click here for detailed instructions as to how to make this happen.
The results are magical, this is definitely an activity that will be repeated each Christmas, until your house is covered top to toe in Snow Globes. The dream really!
Happy Globe-ing!
Written by Kris Kindle Katie