Marty Miller

About Me:

I’m a Dad, husband, family man.. on the radio since 1994!

Wearer of a good Christmas jumper!

Your role at Christmas FM:


Why Christmas FM:

A station like this only happens once a year! Why not?? Get on air, spread festive cheer, raise valued funds for charity.. it’s the power of radio with a sweet bow on top.

My Favourite Christmas Song:

Greg Lake ‘I believe in Father Christmas’

My Favourite Christmas Food:

Quality Street toffee penny

My Favourite Christmas Movie:

Die Hard 1

My Favourite Christmas Tradition:

Christmas jumpers as much as possible!

Where I’m From:

From Malahide in north county Dublin. A nice town at Christmas time, lights galore, lovely bars and restaurants to spend time with friends and family.

My Elf Name is:

Marty Toffeepenny