Book ideas for a 10 year old!

Guinness World Records 2024

The first edition of this tome of wacky records was churned out in 1955 – and even with TikTok and YouTube documenting the weirdness of this world there is still strong demand for a hardback version. Better for the kid’s distraction levels to read about the person with the longest hair in the world than to watch a 30 second video.

And really it’s one for the family to marvel over – 500-odd pages detailing burning issues such as who has the most tattoos in the world, who ate the most hotdogs in one sitting, who walked the most doggies at once?  This is information we all must know!


A New Adventure – the Faraway Tree by Jacqueline Wilson

Anyone remember Moon Face, the fairy Silky and the saucepan man from your youth?  Well, best-selling children’s author Jacqueline Wilson has updated Enid Blyton’s stories and added her own wonderful style – and your kids will love it!

In the original stories written over 80 years ago Jo, Bessie and Fanny could head off for the day and scarper up the enchanted tree into faraway lands but in Jacqueline’s new edition the parents of Mio, Mia and Birdy keep more of an eye.  But it still retains all the magic – children and adults will relish story time this Christmas with this gem under the tree.


Any Asterix book

If your child has not yet encountered Asterix, this Christmas is the perfect time to introduce the most famous Gaul in the world who posed a serious annoyance to  Julius Caesar. Making all ages laugh for over sixty years since Rene Goscinny and Albert Uderzo first published the Asterix comic strip in 1959 – a world of fun awaits!


The Great Big Book of Irish Wildlife

We love this one! A gorgeous choice for your child that the whole family can learn from. Take a peek so the next time you go to the park you can name that bird when your child asks you! There is an incredible world out there to discover beyond Roblox and Fortnite after all. And parents also might enjoy having a peek!


The Children of Lir

Glorious edition of the rhyming story which tells the legend of The Children of Lir, who were turned into swans by their wicked stepmother and forced to wander across Ireland for 900 years. Harsh eh?  It’s scary but it has a charm. A good one to read together snuggled up on the sofa by the lights of the Christmas tree.


Be Inspired Irish Young People

Award-winning author of ‘Blazing a Trail’ and ‘Dare to Dream’, Sarah Webb interviews twenty eight inspiring young Irish people about their amazing achievements. 

Broken down into four main areas — activism, sports, the arts, and science and business — these young folk are great examples for your child to look up to. 

Show them that there are many different heroes out there they can strive to be like apart from Ed Sheeran,  Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift.


Beano/Minecraft/ Roblox/ Barbie/ Dandy etc 

An “Annual” is always a nice stocking filler to be consumed while munching the selection box!

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