Feast your eyes on these festive eyebrows!

Are you hoping to make a fashion forward impression at the office Christmas party? Are you sick of wearing the same Christmas jumper year in, year out? Or are you looking for new and exciting ways to express your love and adoration of Christmas?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any – or all – of those questions, then blogger Taylor R has just the solution!

Cast aside your bobbly Christmas jumpers, roll your Christmas socks back up and put the Santa Hat back into the wardrobe for another year, because the Canadian-born beauty and lifestyle blogger has introduced us to the world of Christmas Tree eyebrows.

Yes, you read that correctly. Christmas Tree eyebrows.

On her Instagram profile, taytay_xx, Taylor shows off the look and offers a short, easy tutorial on how to properly decorate your face firs. First, you have to brush through your eyebrows and, after applying some wax, separate them into peaks. Add some concealer and decorations and you’re ready to sparkle!

We’re over novelty, light-up Christmas ties and jingling slippers, and beard baubles are so last year. If you really want to go the extra mile this season, visit taytay_xx on Instragram and master the look.

That being said, we’re not quite ready for Taylor’s other suggestions. Combining some of this year’s strangest beauty trends with her love of Christmas, Taylor also demonstrates the skills necessary to create a furry Advent Wreath lip look and Christmas Tree nose-hair extensions (no, really!)

Come back Christmas jumper, all is forgiven.

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