Today Might Be The Greatest Made Up Holiday Ever…

At Christmas FM, we know that December can be a month of indulgence.

Whether you choose to gorge on Christmas dinner, meet people for drinks a bit more often than usual, or simply don’t bother counting calories because of the season that’s in it, there’s always the feeling that you’re in safe company in letting loose over the holiday season.

So we know you don’t need any excuses to indulge yourself that bit more, right? Even if we were to tell you that December 16th is CHOCOLATE COVERED ANYTHING DAY??

We’re not even joking: if you’re a chocolate lover then today’s your day, particularly if you like adding chocolate to traditionally un-chocolatey things like pretzels or bacon.

Unfortunately, our research failed to discover any factual content on this very special day, but it’s on the internet, which obviously counts for something…

And while our web sources also cited it as a “National Day”, we couldn’t find any proclamations claiming it for a specific country, which means we’re declaring it an international day instead – just for you!

Honestly can’t think of many foods that aren’t improved by covering them in chocolate. So go ahead and indulge yourself on the day that chocolate lovers’ dreams come true.

And in the spirit of the season, make sure to give or share some of your favourite chocolate covered treats today – that includes using the hashtag #ChocolateCoveredAnythingDay on social media or sending us your chocolatey creations!

We wish you a Happy Chocolate Covered Anything Day!

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