It’s official! we have the best listeners ever

We want to thank everyone who donated. Today Christmas FM raised €171,084 for our wonderful charity partners.

We had given ourselves a target to raise €150,000 by 7pm today and we are blown away by your kindness. 

We had kids pledging their pocket money, we had listeners donating in the name of loved ones they had lost this year.

Our charity partners were on air all day describing to our listeners where their donations would go. There were many tears shed, we could not help it.

Set up sixteen years ago, Christmas FM has a broadcasting fm licence of thirty days a year and has raised over three million euro for charity so far.

The aim is to raise One Million Euro over three years – 2022, 2023 and 2024 – for Barnardos, Barretstown, Make-A-Wish Ireland and Community Foundation Ireland through The Magic of Christmas appeal.

And after today we know we are well on our way. Thank you so much.

We are on FM till December 27th and online till the end of the month and you can still donate till early January. 

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