If you are like me, you probably have numerous moments through the week when you say ‘Ugh, to be a kid again’. At no other time in the year is it more prevalent than at Christmas time. Well just a warning for what is about to come, this tradition idea won’t help the ‘wanting to reverse time by a few twenty years.’
Introducting The Minivan Express!!
The Polar Express has become synonymous with Christmas, so why not bring the magic of this movie to your kids during the festive season. It’s really easy to execute and will bring a ridiculous amount of joy to the little ones.
What you need:
- A car
- Christmas Fm on loud.
- Cadbury Roses, Popcorn and other yummy festive treats ready in the chosen vehicle.
- Printed tickets for the Minivan Express. Download pdf here.
- Christmas Pajamas on all members of the family.
- An idea of where the best Christmas lights are in the area.
Then all that is left is to hide the Golden Tickets in your kids’ bed and wait for the screams of excitement when they find them. Tell them to grab their dressing gowns and slippers and let the adventure begin.
I would have LOVED to this as a child, to be honest I might start it with my friends, we consider ourselves big kids anyway.
I think the lesson to be learnt from this is, we are only as old as we feel and at Christmas I think we are all transported back to our eight year old selves.
Happy Adventuring!
Written by Kris Kindle Katie