‘Tis the season to be jolly, so we’re taking a look at some of the season’s best (or, depending on your taste, worst) jokes before we get our hands on the Christmas crackers!
Q: Why did the elf go to the Podiatrist?
A: Because he had mistletoe.
Q: Why did Santa ban fizzy drinks from his workshop?
A: Because they were bad for his elf.
Q: How much did Santa’s sleigh cost?
A: Nothing – It was on the house!
Q: Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing?
A: They keep dropping their needles!
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A: Frostbite.
Q: What is the best Christmas present?
A: A broken drum – you just can’t beat it!
Q: What do snowmen like to do at the weekend?
A: Chill out.
Q: How do snowmen travel around?
A: By icicle.
Q: What do you call a cow that lives in an igloo?
A: An eskimoo.
Q: What is an elf’s favourite kind of music?
A: ‘Wrap’ music.
What’s your favourite Christmas joke?